Weekly Uncle Bill Dube How to get in the afterparty and more 👩
May 15, 2023 5:01 am
Hi ,
With Mother's Day I've fallen behind so this may be a brief letter this week as I was just about to go to bed forgetting the newsletter. Have a busy day tomorrow and not time to do it then. So a little less sleep. We've all done it from time to time.
Upcoming Lives:
🎥 Start Live Climb Week 20 ✅
YouTube LINK: https://youtube.com/live/sLZZzjj7_2o
Fun 30 minute live to start Climb week doing some senior fitness this week. Back on Main For this Monday, Still will have News, 5 Crazy, and More. This is an amazing year.
Melon Link to 2:02 PM PST Afterparty
🎥 Live with Uncle Bill Dube 🌇
YouTube LINK: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-LuRydkSgc
Friday lives are longer and more relaxed as we have a full 60 minutes starting at 4:20 Pacific. Mother's day coming, Five Crazy things and more are always a must. Recap of the week, plans for the weekend and future, so if you miss the live you will want to catch the replay.
Melon Link to 5:22 PM PST Afterparty
Ended up doing the pen review of my latest pen purchases on ShopGoodwill during last Friday's Live it was a blast. This purchase alone almost makes up for my loss with the broken Canon 80D camera from ShopGoodwill.
I passed on Wave.AI program as they were promising too much for my liking in the product so I decided to hold back. Melon is my streaming platform anyway.
Lloyds ribs weekend. Love them they are thrifty price, probably very bad to eat, but sometimes you just have to be bad.
Well that is it for this week I see what I can do about being more newsy next week.
make every day great. Best wishes to you and your family.
And here is how to get into the After Parties. Note be sure to use the right Link as they are different. You need to be active in chat for 15minutes prior to end of broadcast so my moderators know give you admittance to afterparty. Thank you.