Improved Content Aware Clipping and Color Correction for Chromakey | SceneForge 0.6.24

Jun 30, 2022 4:14 pm

Hello there !

Despite being one of the coolest features, Content-Aware clipping was a pain point because it wasn't super precise and only worked in certain lighting conditions. That is all fixed in 0.6.24, improving the compositing workflow!

Additionally, color correction has been made compatible with Chromakey Footage for better blending of live-action and 3D.

Check it out in the video below!


What's New?

  • Content-Aware clipping has been made more accurate and controllable
  • Color Correction functionality has been added to Chromakey footage (previously only available for difference mattes).

What's Next?

  • Improved body tracking for wide shots
  • Alternative content-aware clipping using body tracking for lightweight use.
  • A screen-space global illumination system is in the works (see below).

Global Illumination!

This is a feature still in development, but it is coming along well! For supported hardware, a screen-space global illumination system is in the works which simulates bounced lighting around your scene.

Previously, GI/Indirect lighting was available on a per-light basis and didn't work for emissive materials or the sunlight. That will still be available, but with the option of the new screen-space effect as well.

This new system will be applied as an image effect across your entire scene, regardless of the per-light settings.

It's super cool and has the potential to increase photorealism in your scene while still being pretty performant on most systems!

Thanks for reading!

  • Judah Mantell, Founder @