Realtime Relighting, View Modes, and New Chromakey! | SceneForge 0.7.5

Sep 08, 2022 1:52 pm

Hello there, !

This is an exciting release that completely replaces the old chromakey system with a new and improved one that is more powerful and faster, while still having all of the smart features that make SceneForge great!

As always, you can read on for more info, or check out the video below!


What's Changed?

Now, the chromakey system is much more powerful, allowing for transparent materials (Silk! Hair!), and even better handling of dark or unevenly-lit green screens.

Additionally, the Despill system was replaced with a much smarter version that properly reads the color mask data, rather than simply subduing the green or blue channel.

What's New?

A fun but helpful addition is the ability to see different "view-modes" while editing, to better understand the keying process and have fine control over detail.


(Above) You can see two of the view modes that display the alpha and luma mask.

With the new Despill System, you can actually re-light your live and pre-existing footage in realtime using the scene's ambient lighting. It automatically replaces the key color's cast on your footage with the color of the scene's main directional light for better blending of live-action and CG.

How Does it Work?

While I can't give away all of SceneForge's secrets, this new version allows for greater contrast in chromakey backgrounds by first applying a Luminance-Based-Saturation map to make sure the background and foreground are of even colors. This is to prevent any inconsistencies of brightness in your green screen from becoming a problem.

Once that's dialed in, the rest of the system does the work to make sure you are left with nice clean transparent footage.

What's Next?

Coming in the next few releases is the ability to specify clean plates instead of a key color, as well as proper light wrap support for further footage blending.

There is so much more to come for SceneForge Compositing that I can't wait to share with you in the coming weeks.

If you have any questions, feedback, bug reports, or feature requests, don't hesitate to reply right to this message.

Thanks for reading!

  • Judah Mantell, Founder @