IC-VFX Beta, Updated Website, and More! | SceneForge 0.6.1
May 30, 2022 1:01 pm
Hello there !
I mentioned the In-Camera VFX Rig functionality previously, but it has been continued to be developed behind-the-scenes (so to speak). But, similar to the VFX Editor, it is now available in SceneForge as an experimental/beta feature.
As always, you can check out the video below:
Any other changes?
In addition to the IC-VFX Rigs, there have been many bug fixes, as well as changes to the licensing system and website.
The Website:
Now, using the website account dashboard, you can change your display name, profile picture, and password easily. This is to prepare for the upcoming cloud integration feature, allowing you to easily share storyboards in the cloud with web links, similar to Google Drive.
Updated Licensing:
As we're preparing to migrate to the new pricing structure on June 10th, those with upgraded (Basic and Pro) licenses will be locked to 1 seat per license. This just makes it easier to manage who's using SceneForge, and provide better support for all users.
For those working in studio or educational environments, this requires each computer or user to have their own account, which can be moved between computers as needed. For bulk license purchases, please reach out to Support@SceneForge.app
As always, if you have any questions, feature requests, or suggestions, feel free to reply right to this email.
Thanks for reading!
- Judah Mantell, Founder @ SceneForge.app