Meet Anthony Copeland Parker, our 2021 Top Ten Podcasts, and 2022 Upcoming Events
Jan 04, 2022 9:57 pm
Dear AlzAuthor,
Welcome to 2022! We've got new initiatives planned for this year, including new ways for you to connect with other authors and find new readers. AlzAuthors is your network to engage with caregivers and others looking for the best in Alzheimer's and dementia resources. Be sure to open and read your weekly email and check our Writers Group page on Facebook frequently to stay on top of potential opportunities. Our content is available to you to share across your own author platform, including, social media, blog, website, and reader newsletters. We also have several virtual events in the works for both authors and readers. We look forward to working with and supporting you in the new year!
Introducing Our Newest Author
Anthony Copeland-Parker writes
Running All Over the World; Our Race Against Early-Onset Alzheimer's
After life-altering diagnoses which would sideline most people to the security of their home and an easy chair, Anthony Copeland-Parker and his partner Catherine decide to push every boundary and live a life beyond full...instead to overflowing.
Anthony writes:
Just like the attitude Catherine takes towards running a marathon, she takes when it comes to her diagnosis of Early Onset Alzheimer’s. She just puts her head down, puts one foot in front of the other, and never gives up. Catherine’s resilience or reserve is anything athletic, so we combine that with our love of travel. Catherine has completed 83 marathons, one Iron Man Competition, a 50 miler Ultra Marathon and many races and triathlons of various distances.
During our years as nomads, we've pushed our physical and mental limitations as often as we could - and we finished every race hand in hand.
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On The Podcast
The podcast resumes January 17th.
In the meantime, take a look at our Top Ten Episodes in 2021:
1. Bobbi Carducci Untangles The Inadequate vs. The Imperfect Caregiver
2. Donna Thomson and Zachary White Ph.D. Untangle The Unexpected Journey of Caring
3. Alex Winstanley Untangles Dementia Books for Children
4. Pam Ostrowski Untangles Common Myths About Dementia Care
5. HFC and AlzAuthors Present Daniel Potts, MD, FAAN and Ellen Potts, MBA
6. Susan Cushman Untangles a Mother and Daughter Facing Alzheimer's
7. Jennifer Fink Untangles Podcasts, an Essential Tool for Dementia Caregivers
8. James Russell Untangles Caring for a Daughter with Dementia
9. Edie Weinstein Untangles How Children’s Books Can Diminish Barriers Caused by Dementia
10. Joy Johnston Untangles Becoming the Reluctant Caregiver
You can find them all here. Start listening!
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Each season our podcast brings you six of our authors sharing their dementia journeys. Please subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss a word. If our authors’ stories move you please leave a review. And don’t forget to share our podcast with family and friends in need of knowledge, comfort and support on their own dementia journeys.
Untangling Alzheimer's and Dementia is hosted by The Whole Care Network. Find resources and stories shared by caregivers for caregivers, podcasts, blogs, videos and more!
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Announcing AlzAuthors Live!
In 2022, we’re expanding the number of virtual programs we’re offering, which includes virtual Q&A panels with select guests on important topics. This series is now called AlzAuthors Live! On February 9, from 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. EST, we will present Love Stories: Keeping Romance Alive in Dementia Care. This program will focus on couples facing a dementia diagnosis, and how their love sustains their relationship despite the condition. Please stay in touch for more details as they're unveiled.
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Start Networking: Join our Author Directory
AlzAuthors was founded for three authors to cross promote their dementia books so readers could better find them. This blossomed over six years into a network of 300+ authors spreading information about Alzheimer’s and dementia awareness and our own stories, books, blogs and other resources. As a contributor to AlzAuthors, you have the ability to connect with these authors to help cross promote your own work. Our directory makes it easy to find promo partners to help with blogging opportunities, newsletter swapping, social media shares, special events, and more. Inclusion in the directory is voluntary. If you would like to be available to others looking for partners please upload your contact information and links to your platform to the spreadsheet found here. This is a collaborative effort. Please do not share this document with others outside our network.
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Get Listed in Our New Audiobook Directory
Is your book available on audio? If so, please add it to our Audiobook Directory. According to Statista, In 2020, audiobook sales revenue in the United States reached 1.3 billion U.S. dollars, continuing the upward trend which began in 2018. We will be doing special promos for audiobooks only in 2022, and want to be sure yours is included. Add your book to the directory here.
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Donate Your Book to Our Traveling Library in Georgia

We are excited to announce our newest Traveling Library is taking shape in Georgia thanks to Debra Tann, author of The Race of Dementia. If you would like to donate a copy of your book, please mail it to:
Debra Tann
5044 George Register Road
Valdosta, GA 31605
Our libraries visit Alzheimer's and dementia caregiving events, so that caregivers can see, feel, and touch the resources available at AlzAuthors. We now have Traveling Libraries in seven states, including North Carolina, Ohio, New York, Montana, Texas, California, and Georgia.
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Our mission is to provide quality resources for those concerned with Alzheimer’s and dementia. If you would like to help here are several ways you can support us:
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Facebook: Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resources
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Your AlzAuthors Management Team
L to R: Marianne Sciucco, Jean Lee, Vicki Tapia,
Kathryn Harrison, Ann Campanella, Susan Landeis, and Gincy Heins
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