Redemption in the Wilderness by Andrea Byrd is book two in the Frontier Hearts series. Margaret and her sister Muireall are alone in the wilderness struggling to survive. When Iain Donegal realizes they’re alone, he decides to stick close by in case...
In Expired Vows, by Laura Conaway & Lisa Phillips, we spend time with Trace Bently who’s struggling to put his past behind him. When the EMTs are called in for a hostage situation, Trace comes face to face with a woman from his past. This book wa...
“I think I’m going through a questioning phase right now. Like I believe God is who he says he is. I do. I guess I just don’t understand why some people seem to have perfect lives where nothing bad ever happens, and other people seem to walk under th...
This week I’m pleased to have author J.R. Kopenski on the blog talking about ways to challenge yourself as a Christian author. What Does It Mean to Challenge Yourself? I think we’ve all been there. Prolonged periods of writer’s block or dry writing s...