Your updates have arrived...

Jun 15, 2022 9:31 am

📆 TidyCal


To help you track Bookers, we added a Contacts page. 🎉

And, we made three big updates to booking confirmation emails:

  • Your booking confirmation subject line now includes Booker name and event name
  • If your Booker reschedules, you’ll get a notification email
  • We tweaked multi-answer Q&A display in the confirmation emails, so it looks cleaner and is easier to read

Finally, we expanded international languages in TidyCal — adding Slovenian updates.

Get the TidyCal Lifetime Deal at $29

🦊 SendFox


We continue to make SendFox better for international users. SendFox is now available in Polish language. 🇵🇱

And, if you’re editing a button, we updated alignment to work correctly in rare instances where it wasn’t.

Get the SendFox Lifetime Deal at $49

👑 KingSumo


We made API (OAuth) tweaks for Lifetime customers, so you can use KingSumo with your favorite tools and products. 🤓

Get the KingSumo Lifetime Deal at $49


Plus, tons of backend updates, speed improvements, and usability fixes to make all our Originals better for you.

❤️ & 🌮,

David and the AppSumo Originals team

P.S. Read our blog post on how to grow your business during an economic recession. Backed by data from Originals products.
