Bridging Heaven & Earth is an international spiritual talk show produced by The Bridging Heaven & Earth Foundation, a 501(C)3 non-profit educational corporation. In this episode, the founder Allan Silberhartz (RIP) interviews Ahonu & Aing...
Daryl Ochs has almost completed a subversive book on the Jesus behind the Jesus everybody thinks they know! It's been a two-year journey and opened his eyes and heart in ways he never envisioned. The book is called "Guidebook for Subversive Christian...
Can Aliens speak our languages? Can they read our minds? What are they trying to tell us?Nearly half of all Americans believe that UFOs may be signs of extraterrestrial visits. About 10% claim to have witnessed an actual UFO and 2.9 million Americans...
Richard Benson has held a Private Pilots license since 1977, and in this episode, he teaches us how to fly through life. He uses the term "out of the blue" a lot, but not as an aeronautical term, more like what living a spontaneous life looks like. W...
"Forever is the period in which you find yourself living." That is a quote from Randall Shelton's book Life on Earth: The Game - a Manual for those that didn't bring theirs. We were blest to meet Randall when we moved to Redmond, Oregon. He was co...
Here for your listening pleasure is the 45th open-forum session of Answers from the Akashic Records with Ahonu & Aingeal Rose. This session revolved around Baptism, Cremation, Death, Fear, Forgiveness, Morgellon's Disease, Mushrooms, Reincarnatio...
Gretta Murphy's life is a true story of trauma to triumph! Born in Tramore, Co. Waterford, Ireland to a mentally ill and abusive mother, Gretta's first child was stillborn and later her 4 children were abducted by their father. She suffered mental an...
Ray Maor is a breatharian. Ahonu & Aingeal Rose asked him many questions about how a body can live without food, and live on light (or prana). We asked him questions like:Is breatharianism part of our spiritual development?Are there any true brea...
Tika Vales Caldwell and Richard Spalding Caldwell, an award-winning commercial and residential architect, combine their professions of environmental energy balancing, personal transformation, and architecture for well-being as Living Design Consultan...
Chantal Cash's novel (The Memoirs of an Annunaki) is deep - many have virtually said it changes their DNA when they read it. She says "All I know is it is limitless - we have the key through our love for one another and exploring our true nature of a...