Cow Troubles and Steady Progress

Jan 09, 2025 5:01 pm


Hey there!

We've had many ups and downs with the arrival of our cow in the past nine months. From our schedules being consumed to having literally the best home made food of our lives, it's been a roller coaster. Free time shrunk significantly with the extra chores, including author time, but our health seems to have improved on the flip side.

All in all, we're pretty happy with our decision, but there are still a lot of kinks to work out of the system. For example, with another animal comes another set of health concerns! We've done our level best to keep her healthy, fed, and given all the necessities of life, but sometimes things just happen. Unfortunately, despite our efforts, our cow, Ginger, has mastitis in one of her udder quarters (if you didn't know, the udder is split into four sections, each giving different amounts and quality of milk). So that's our new adventure this week! Get her healed. It does mean we'll have to dump a bunch of the milk (for health reasons on our part) but hopefully she'll be on the mend soon.

Life has slipped into a 'maintenance' only space, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, it does mean there is less time for expansion projects, both in homestead and author terms, but I remind myself that there are 'times and seasons' for all things. This is a just do what you can to keep the ship rowing until things can calm down a bit.

My Progress This Week

Very little progress, but once again, unsurprising considering the state of our lives and animals at the moment. Still, I'm making forward and upward progress on Fairy Blooded, book four of the Hidden Heritage Series. The draft is up to just under 65K. That's just about 40k away from where the other three drafts have ended up.

I have printed a 'post-line edited' version of the second book, Demon Blooded, which some of my trusted readers have in their hands at the moment. Know that an ARC will be coming for this book soon! I will let all of you know who were part of the Dragon Blooded ARC team when it's available so you can read it a few weeks beforehand. If you weren't on this list, and want to be, let me know via email. I'd be happy to send you Dragon Blooded as well so you can catch up.

Chapters nine and ten for Demon Blooded are now up on Ream if you are interested in getting early access to the story. Just click here to join the community! If not, the book is set to be released March 24 of this year!

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