Anuka's remodeling project
Oct 29, 2024 2:06 pm
I'm switchin' things up! After chatting with some of my Street Team (a.k.a. Anuka's Hoodlums) as well as some author friends, I am changing how I handle communicating with my audience. Surprisingly, the chief complaint was that I wasn't communicating enough. Also, I try to highlight books from other authors and any specials or promotions I find that are worthwhile. Going forward I'll relegate those things to Ember's Book Corner. A special email that goes out periodically that just talks about stuff I'm reading or recommend. Just look out for that tag in the email subject. Ember is very excited to have that job. trust me.
Another thing I plan to do is more personal stuff. Sometimes I'll just drop a quick email with something cool I'm up to in my life. Or it may be D&D related. I also plan to have an email with information geared toward authors/writers.
So expect more updates from me, but watch the email subject closely so you can pick and choose what interests you.
Book 3 is 80% done with second round edits. That's exciting/terrifying. This book has meant so much to me. I really want it to be the best it can be.
Nolan Keller is loose! I have 2 chapters of my Myster Thriller (with SciFi sprinkles) up on Royal Road. Read it now!
Ember's Book Corner
Umm... yes. Well. I found out about this section about eleven hours ago and didn't know I would be doing it so soon. Usually I like to bounce these kinds of things off of Yondi. She's wise. And pretty. And her hair like sunshine when she whips her head around it... Right. Sorry. Books.
I love books. And, unlike Anuka, I don't just pile them up so I can stand on them to reach the rum on the shelf. In my part of this letter, I'll share some books I like and some ways to get books for FREE! Can you imagine? Anyway... The first book I want to tell you about it one Jack featured before, but he doesn't really know books like I do.
Pariah's Lament by Richie Billings is an exciting coming of age tale with wonderful worldbuilding. It fits in the Noblebright genre of fantasy with courage and heroism at it's core. Check it out! You can get it for free. Just click the book.
Next up is a tale of thieves and assassins by Shane Morgan called the Gilded
Dagger. Whlie this might be more up Anuka or Yondi's alley. It looks amazing! Snag it for free.
Finally, is my favorite thing! Book promotion! It's a bunch of different books, all in one place. Do yourself a favor and check them all out. You might find your next favorite author.
That's all I've got for now. Till next time!