No Mercy for Book 3
Aug 07, 2024 2:00 am
I've been hard at work chopping up Book 3 of my Dragons of Dorwine Series. The red ink looks like blood and nevermind the tear stains. I've killed many of my darlings of late :( Several lines, paragraphs and even whole scenes from Act II had to go. It's hard spending so much time and thought writing some only to discard it later, but thems the breaks.
It's like pruning your garden of weeds. Hopefully, what's left will be enjoyable for each of you. I am enjoying this pass.
My process is to do a cold read (read the whole manuscript as fast as I can, not really fixing anything) and then come back to figure out where the parts that don't work need fixed or removed.
I've been playing Dungeons and Dragons for about 600 years or something like that. If you guess that DragonLance was my jam "back in the day" you'd be right. geriatric friends and I have resumed our old gaming group after a 27 year hiatus. We've been playing through The Curse of Strahd (using ShadowDark rules) and it's been amazing! Soon I'm going to run a tweaked version of Shadow of the Dragon Queen for these old dudes! I can't wait.
Do you play? Not just D&D but maybe board games? Perhaps you are a world class corn hole champion. Lemme know what group activities you engage in:
Editing of Book 3 is my priority, but I've poked at the bones of my Tabir story and started thinking more about the Ember short story I want to write. Once I send my manuscript over for edits, I will jump on these projects. I'll need the separation from Book 3 to gain a little perspective. Fun stuff.
I push a lot of promos. I can't help it. Free stories from authors I know or am adjacent to? Yes, please. This one is chock full of great stories.
Two AMAZING looking covers. Please, judge these books by them.