Are You a CONman (or woman)?
Jul 19, 2023 4:37 pm
Sorry this is late! I lost a day somewhere :/
Do you attend those nerdy conventions?
I was talking CONs with some author friends and one shared a list of different conventions that may be good for authors to attend, and maybe sell a book or two. The list had 128 conventions on it.
I was stunned. Back in the day, I went to Comic Con in Chicago and met Lou Ferrigno and some minor Star Wars characters (yay Kenny Baker). It was a blast. I accidently cut line and met Brian Michael Bendis. Oops.
There were people dressed up in amazing cosplay stuff (back when cosplay was kind of new) and everyone was excited. We heard announcements of new releases and saw movie trailers first. I loved it. My dream would be to write full time and tour the CON circuit like a rock star. While crowds are scary, I love people. The idea of meeting hundreds of new people every weekend energizes me.
Enough about how weird I am, do you like conventions? What do you like or dislike about them? Do you have certain ones you go to, or would like to go to?
Let me know where you stand on this pop culture phenomenon. I love hearing from you. E-mail me at
P.S. My oldest son and his wife do some amazing cosplay stuff. I'll secure permission to share some pics on Facebook if you are interested
Bookish Podcasts
I've been on a few. I listen to a few others. I found a new one! Liz Delton (who is amazing) has a podcast where she reads a chapter from a different fantasy book. I've always wanted to read Emily Huffman and Elieen Meuller, but never took the time. Yesterday, I got to listen to Liz read a chapter from a book from each of these ladies. It was very good. I think she just does Book 1 in a series. She just reads it. It's very neat. Check it out:
Slower couple of week with the holiday and some other life things going on. I'll be back to work on Book 3 for about a week, then I'm going on vacation for a week. I may actually get more writing done on vacation :P.
Books on sale from fellow authors
These are offerings (usually free) from authors I rub shoulders with. They are all fantasy and most are Noblebright. Go check em out! You might just find your next favorite read.
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