Has an Evil Corporation Ruined Your Favorite Story?
Sep 26, 2023 2:01 pm
When Other People Kill Your Darlings
It isn't hard to find people with strong opinions about popular IP from Marvel, Disney, Lucasfilms, etc. Especially on the internet. Whether it's Star Wars or Super Mario, it's hard to be a fan sometimes.
The current perfect example is The Wheel of Time television show based (sort of) on the novels by Robert Jordan and Brandon Sanderson. I had a hard time watching the first season. Too much sexualization, they changed the story too much, my favorite obscure character wasn't there, on and on. It was a bummer because, as the aforementioned Sanderson said, "This is likely the only adaptation I'll get in my lifetime". That sounds kind of bleak, but imagine if The Hobbit came out on your fortieth birthday. You likely didn't get to see Peter Jacksons film adaptation of The Lord of the Rings.
Star Wars is another biggie for me. I struggled with the last trilogy. I won't go into the details, but it's to the point where I cringe when a favorite author sells the rights to something I love. I almost don't want a Mistborn movie or TV series.
I will admit that I am enjoying Season 2 of The Wheel of Time much more than the first. How about you? Do you have a favorite or least favorite adaptation? I love hearing from y'all. E-mail me at: jack@authorjackadkins.com
Good news! We are at 84,307 on Book 3. And that's with some significant cuts and rewrites. Things are moving along. Maybe I'll set a draft 1 goal in the next newsletter.
Once Draft 1 is done, I will take a two-week breather while my wife does a developmental editing pass. She has gained some new skills in this area. Amazing woman :) While she's doing that, I'm going to outline my next two projects. Both are shorter, and neither is epic fantasy. More on that later.
Click Progress on my website: https://authorjackadkins.com
Promotions I'm In
These are broad promotions with other authors. Sometimes there are as many as 20 in one promotion. The books are usually free, cheap, or in Kindle Unlimited. Click and check them out. I found a new author I absolutely adore in one of these promotions this year. Maybe you will, too!
Trading Knives by P.H. Solomon