It's Cold Out . . . Let's read!
Dec 10, 2024 3:06 pm
Seasons Greetings! I have a few notes before I turn Ember loose with some story recommendations.
The Soul of a Dragon is churning through the editing process. Picture me dumping my blood, sweat, and tears into a meat grinder and a book falling out of the bottom. Then we stick it back in the top and run it through a few more times. That's editing.
New Nolan Keller story is out. I'll send an email about it in a couple of days.
My nose has been stuck in Wind and Truth by Brandon Sanderson. It shall remain there for the foreseeable future. I am finishing the 6th Nolan Keller chapter and circling my Ember story like a hungry tiger circling a chicken coup. But I HAVE to find out what happens to Kaladin! Anyway. Here's Ember.
Finally, my buddy Jay Willis is about to join an exclusive club: Author with a completed series! His Sphere series book 6 comes out soon. You should check him out. This is a wonderful fantasy series. Book 1 is on sale until 12/16/24.
Ember's Book Corner
Oh my. Big week this week. I have four authors I want to share. And one very neat promotion Jack weaseled his way into. Let's get started!
First up is a real treat. This illustrated version of Footsteps into the Unfamiliar is gorgeous. This collection of short stories takes place before Kate Haley's excellent War of the North. Click that beautiful cover and get it for free!
Next is a sci-fi/fantasy, multiverse mind twister. Best part? It's a boxed set! This is the complete Zoe Galloway series and is just under $4. Disclaimer: I haven't read it. I bought it because the reviews blew me away. The price goes back up in a few days, so go snag it.
Poisoned Splinter is an epic tale of thrones and dark sorcery. It was written by the talented AJ Park. If the cover doesn't grab you, read the blurb. Oh, and it's on sale for $.99.
Sometimes the hook line is enough to snare you. Check out the tag line for this one: Dark gods and foul monster claim the land. But an unlikely band of rebels look to challenge their reign. The cover is also fantastic. Another great one for $.99.
Last, but not least, this promotion has some brilliant authors. Jon Crenshaw, Richie Billing, TC Marti, and Axl Blaze. Many of which have been featured in this newsletter. Check it out. Snag some cool free stories, and don't be afraid to pass it around.