Book 3 Cover Art Reveal!
Jul 23, 2024 2:05 pm
My artist, Amanda Fedora, has done it again! She does incredible work. Some of you have physical books and may have noticed that the front and back both have an eye featured there. If you were to open the book flat (heaven forbid!) it would look like two eyes of a Dragon staring back at you. Book 3 will be no different, but I plan to do a Kickstarter feature early next year of the first three books with a full Dragon head. The image from that concept is what you will see below.
This isn't a full reveal, but a sampling of (what I think) are the best parts. You get to see it first.
I want wait to see what else she can come up for the future works I have planned.
Fellow authors, if you need character work (particularly manga style) or other art email me or hit me up on Facebook and I can connect you with Amanda.
What do you think? I love your feedback. jack@authorjackadkins
Noblebright Giveway!
This is a promotion the NBA (NobleBright Alliance) has put on. Check out tons of authors in one spot!
Act I, round 1 edits are done. Act II has some weird stuff I need to cut. Too many plotlines for one story. It should be done this week, or early next week. I wanted to be done with round 1 by August 1st, but that might get pushed back. As many of you know, I work in IT and I've been covered up recovering from the Crowdstrike outage of last week. Oof.
Stories I Think You'll Like
I post these in every letter because there are authors out there doing the same for my books. I exchanged emails with a young man last week who loves Anuka. He discovered my books from a freebie in another author's newsletter. I encourage you to click the images and read the blurbs, even if you don't download the story. If nothing else, you will have an idea of the types of stories circulating right now. Thanks!