A Great Thawing

Apr 11, 2024 2:10 pm



The Silence of a Long Winter

I've been pretty quiet, I know. Apologies. I've not been idle. As Spring is dawning in Kentucky (it's a wild ride in the Bluegrass State) the world is coming alive. As grass begins to grow, the lawn mowers roar to life (I've been eating allergy med like candy). The sun makes infrequent appearances through the gray clouds and everywhere I drive I see little calves newly born frolicking in the fields.


Living in Alaska, I came to miss Fall and Spring. When we lived in Western Alaska, we only had two seasons; mud and snow. So I appreciate the signs of spring dawning, and my heart cries out to join it. In short; it's time to get to work.


I've been busy lining up some speaking engagements. I'll have dates soon, but they will likely start in late May/early June and be sprinkled throughout the summer. The plan is to setup in a lot of libraries. I love the atmosphere.


What is your favorite season? Are you a hot weather person? Or maybe you revel in sweata weatha. I love hearing from you. Drop me a line: jack@authorjackadkins.com



Book 3 is... complicated. I'm editing Act 2 now to smooth things out. When that is done, I'll write the ending that's been festering in my mind for two years and then send the manuscript for round 1 developmental edits. Some of you will be in on that. Let me know if that interests you.


I'll start on the Tabir serial when I send Dorwine Book 3 off for edits, but it may not see a first draft until that book is done.


Ben Tremmor, the intrepid, multi-talented man of the world is on deck between Tabir and Ember stories. I'm dying to write something modern and his little spy team saga (Think Sneakers from the late 80s).



