Your chance to help with something cool
Mar 14, 2023 2:01 pm
Lend Me Your Ears!
Most of you are here because we met at a show or convention, or because I gave you something free. I love giving stuff away. Some of you have admitted that you downloaded one of my free stories, but never got the chance to read it. Without fail the reasons given are: I don't have time to read or I primarily listen to audiobooks. That makes sense, because I'm in the same boat. Most of my 'reading' has been audiobooks since I started writing and publishing. So I did a thing.
I have teased a Vustaan Incident audiobook for a while, but my oldest son, Nathan, has been doing some voice over narration and wanted to take a crack at The Dead of Winter. It's my darker prequel short story. He did a great job and I want to give it away. Before I do, I would love for some of you to listen and give us feedback.
If you are interested in being a beta listener, follow the link below. The story is less than an hour long and is distributed through BookFunnel. The only catch is that we need your feedback by April 1st. That gives you a couple of weeks. Thank you for your help.
FREE until 3/16
Book 1 - The Blood of a Dragon - is free on Kindle for a few days. Don't miss out if you don't already have it.
Book Progress
My untitled short story for the Noblebright Alliance is done! (Well, it's being edited). It's about a young orc girl growing up in a culture where women have no value apart from rearing children, and her struggle to find her place while harboring a dark secret. These stories are released for free to members of the Noblebright Alliance Discord server each quarter. My story will be release in late summer/early fall. You can join the NBA for free. It's a great community of authors, editors, artists, and readers who love clean and Noblebright Fantasy.
Tabir backstory: The Tabir backstory is well underway and is going to be released on Kindle Vella. This platform is for serial stories delivered in small chunks. Typically one or two chapters a week. My story, tentatively title: The 10th Son, will be my first post on this platform.
Book 3: Still not ready to unleash my tentative title yet. It's still moving along. Other projects are slowing it a bit, but not really. I need extra time to sew up loose ends and finish really well. This past week I moved an entire section (about 7,500 words) from the first third of the book to the second third. It fits much better there, but that means a lot of rewrites. I love this story so much. It's not uncommon for me to laugh out loud during edits (especially toward the end) but I've LOL'ed twice so far while writing this one. Anuka is dialed to 11. FUN!
Kickstarter Adverts
I am suggesting a few Kickstarters this time around. The first is by Becky James. If you don't know Becky, you should. She is a super nice Welch mum who writes very cool stories. They are fantasy with some romance and a very cool magic system. I would encourge you to back this one. It's live right now.
The second Kickstarter is from my dear friend Tiger Hebert. His Beating Back the Darkness series was one of my earliest forays into the works of independent authors, and my first experience with Noblebright Fantasy. Tiger is a founding member of the Noblebright Alliance. His project goal is to rebrand all of this series into one cohesive set. This means all of the covers will match and they will be renumbered. It's currently a bit unclear how to follow the reading order because Amazon doesn't handle novellas very well. This one starts today and you'll want to back it early.
Books from Authors I Dig
A Touch of Prophecy by Lyssa Lund
Some Promotions for FREE Stories