Progress Updates, Some Free Books, and Random Stuff

Nov 12, 2024 3:06 pm



It's Done!

Editing Round 2 for The Soul of a Dragon is completed. Next, it will roll out to some Alpha readers, then the Beta's, then I'll hit publish. Lots for me to do in the interim.


I hope you like the new format. I've sent out a lot more emails about various subjects and I have heard no complaints yet. This time around I'll turn it over to Ember to talk about some books and promotions he has stumbled across.


Ember's Book Corner

Hello everyone! Ember here. You all know how much I love to read. Anuka doesn't let me spend much on books, so I have to get creative. This week I have a list of free stories for you to try. Some of these may look familiar, as Jack featured them before. I hope you'll give them a shot. Bye for now. Keep reading!






