Champions | Best | Standards
May 20, 2024 12:30 pm
Hi my friend 🫡
Accountability, high standards, and habits are themes that keep entering my proximity. Here are the nuggets that have jumped out to me this week:
- Standards become habits and habits become outcomes.
- Focusing on the next move (rather than how you got here in the first place) opens you up to a lot of possibilities.
- Understanding what you do and don't know is the key to playing games you can win.
- The best teachers expect more from their students and from themselves.
- The only person you are competing with is the person you were yesterday; Victory is being a little better today.
- We unconsciously become what we are near.
- When you're committed to excellence, you don't let anyone on your team settle for less.
(Credit: Charlie Munger)
Never, ever tell anyone about your problems, 90% of the people really don't care. The other 10% are glad you have them
(Credit: Peter Kaufman)
No technique has been more responsible for my success in life than studying and adopting the good model of others.
(Credit: Shane Parrish)
Working with a master firsthand is the best education. Their excellence demands your excellence.
(Credit: Tim Ferriss)
Wake up with enough time not to feel rushed for the first hour of the day.
Is this your best?
The classic Henry Kissinger story goes:
“A staffer had drafted a memo and left it on Kissinger’s desk for him to read. A while later Kissinger approached him and asked if it was his best work. The staffer said no and rewrote the entire memo. The next day the staffer ran into Kissinger again and asked what he thought. Kissinger asked him again if this was the best he could do. The staffer took the memo and rewrote it yet again. The next morning the same scenario played out, only this time the poor staffer stated that yes indeed it was his best work. Kissinger replied, “Okay, now I’ll read it.”
I've been asking this question to my students and athletes lately. Is this your best work? Was that the best catch you've ever played? If not, do it again at your best.
Early rising
In the past year, I've fully embraced waking up early. This has become a game-changer for me. I recommend a Hatch alarm clock if you have Snooze button issues.
"Champions behave like champions before they're champions. They have a winning standard of performance before they are winners." -Bill Walsh
Nothing but the best,
Matt 🎯
P.S. Complaining is not a strategy.