Nov 2, 2021Dear ,We are bombarded constantly by toxins and unnatural substances, whether it's in the food we eat, the air we breathe, the medicines we take into our bodies, or our work and living environments. The overriding message conveyed by the n...
Sep 27, 2021Dear ,It's hard to imagine two other individuals besides Ed McCabe and Patrick McGean who can speak more clearly and intelligently about the relationship of oxygen and sulfur to our overall health. Ed McCabe is widely known as an int...
Sep 20, 2021Dear ,Below are excerpts of archived articles about sulfur and detoxification.What Vitamins Contain Sulfur?In 2015 Livestrong published a report about the two B vitamins that contain sulfur.Sulfur is stored in the brain, cells, nerves and...
Sep 6, 2021Dear ,Imagine you made a wrong turn on the highway or submitted incorrect answers on an examination. While those are common mistakes, they usually aren't life-threatening. On the other hand, an error made in the context of a prescribed med...
Aug 23, 2021Dear ,Information overload is a common problem these days. Separating the wheat from the chaff (so to speak) is a perpetual challenge. I know we are all pressed for time, so I've provided links to recent articles and videos that I felt w...
July 12, 2021Dear ,The idea that there are web videos purporting to show that magnets, metal spoons, and even cell phones are capable of sticking to the upper arm where an individual received a Covid-19 injection sounds totally illogical. After all,...
June 24, 2021Dear ,What is a pandemic? In the Covid-centric society that we live in today, the medical profession no longer uses the same criteria that was used to describe prior pandemics such as the Hong Kong Flu outbreak of 1968-69 or th...
June 21, 2021Dear ,Patrick McGean was my organic sulfur mentor who passed away at the end of 2019. He shared his extensive knowledge about this food supplement on several video and podcast channels, including a program called Radio RMN that was hoste...
Dear :A very encouraging trend has taken place in response to the censorship and silencing of voices who disagree with the conventional medical perspectives offered by the press and established health authorities. Instead of giving up, scores have ab...
May 20, 2021Dear ,Tech censorship and invasion of privacy concerns prompted my recent decision to change web hosting companies and migrate the publication of my newsletters to a different service provider. Given the scope and magnitude of these chang...