Day Crafting: From Maybe to a Resounding NO: The NOvember Success Story
Oct 20, 2023 11:37 am
(And hello if you've newly signed up for NOvember).
The NOvember project ran for the first time last year with some impressive results. Of those signing up (presumably with the best of optimistic intentions) not everyone participated as actively as others, but of those that did, the evidence shows that the needle shifted dramatically on the key measures.
At the beginning of the project, most participants said they experienced a lot of discomfort around saying no. Half the group rated their discomfort at 2 out of 10. By the end of the month, 50% felt highly comfortable, showing a notable positive shift and there were no participants below a rating of 5. This was partly because of the skills taught during the month. The number of participants who rated themselves at the highest skill level (10 out of 10) for saying ‘no’ increased from 0% at the beginning to 50% by the end. Most participants showed a significant enhancement in their self-understanding about saying no by the end of the intervention. There was a clear improvement, with 75% rating themselves at 7 or higher out of 10 by the end.
This year’s NOvember project is starting very soon. If you’d like to join, click here.
**Please would you consider posting about it to your networks using this link:
And, did you know the Day Crafting Apprentice Course is back in the New Year? Would you like to join? Can you recommend it to anyone? Would you like to gift it as a Christmas present? I can only ask ...😉
Here's an endorsement from Judith, who’s just completed the Apprentice Course.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from Day Crafting, but it has been more than I could have hoped for. Bruce is so engaging and real; I can’t remember the last time I had a trainer who seemed not just to try and understand our role but who also empathised over Zoom! I have so much to take away, and thinking about it will take a lot of digesting, but I already feel the impact of what I have been taught. I am learning to craft my days for good, not just for myself but so that I am a benefit to others.
Happy Friday,
PS: It's Office Chocolate Day. Perhaps something not to say NO to. If you work from home, that still counts.