MAPS: October

Oct 07, 2024 4:43 pm


MAPS next week is Monday, 14th Oct at 7.30pm (UK time)

If you're coming, please reply so that I'll know how many of us are joining.

Zoom for Next Monday

I would like to use the session to explore how (and if) you're finding MAPS, as it is currently conceived, valuable and how we might improve it. So, this might be a good session for those of you with an opinion on that ;-) MAPS is very important to me and I think to the future of Day Crafting, but I have some questions about it myself ...

And, if you're on the list for MAPS emails but have never attended one, I will be tidying up the list – but do let me know if you would rather not be removed. If you've been coming but feel that you've had enough, let me know that too, and I can take you off the list.



