Day Crafting: Scheduling Tools to Preempt Busy Reactive Days
Mar 23, 2024 10:48 am
This practical advice came from a recent 1:1 support session with an Apprentice. Let me know if you find it useful, if you have any additions, or if you have your own way of achieving something similar.
You might find the following idea helpful if you’re on the journey of switching your productivity system from reactive to reflective. The blank days in your future diary will, by default, become reactive days if you have no rules, purpose, or Filter through which to shape your blueprints.
But how do you proactively make the days, in weeks or months from now, more reflective? Own your time and your productivity system and get to those blank time blocks first with some of the following elements:
- Buffer Time: Protecting time blocks and making transition time.
- Brain Dump: Transferring thoughts onto paper to clear your mind.
- Loop Closing: Capturing worries and tasks to clear your emotions.
- New Strengths Use: Creatively applying intrinsic talents in new ways.
- Active Rest: Engaging in stimulating yet restful activities.
- Side/Delight Project: Pursuing passions or hobbies for personal joy.
- Wiki-Wormhole: Exploring information online in a serendipitous manner.
- Service: Acts of kindness without expecting rewards.
- Gratitude/Celebration: Seeing and celebrating positive moments.
- Purpose Refining: Clarifying and adjusting life goals and values.
Copy or make a note of the 10 reflective diary elements and keep them handy. Make time once a week to design your future days to be balanced and reflective.
PS: The best way for people to hear about the next Day Crafting Apprentice Course starting 10 April, is when you recommend it to them. Please let your networks know about it.