Warm greetings from the height of Scottish summer,It seems the sun never sets in Scotland in June and there is a verdant lushness to the land.I've been at festivals these past two weekends, and am building up to a primitive skills trip to Norway at t...
Greetings all,The summer has all of a sudden sprung in Scotland, and today was very much a 'taps aff' kind of day. Celebrating the sun, I boldly made my way into a stream before realising all of the stones were covered in a thin slimy algae that is t...
Hi Everybody, Thanks for a really sweet closing session last night. Such rich and varied offerings, and a real depth cultivated within the group. What a journey it's been! Here is the video link for anyone who missed it, or would like to revisit:http...
Greetings all, Just a quick reminder that we meet this evening for the final time in this series. It'll be in a 'ceilidh' format, with each person welcome to share a story, poem, song, reflection, riddle, etc. Or just come and enjoy.Zoom link is the...
Dear Story lovers, I hope the Beltane fires have been kindled in appropriate fashion for you as we step fully into summer. In Scotland we have a saying, “never cast a cloot, 'til May is oot’, which means ‘don’t dare take off your thermals u...
Hi Everyone, Thanks for last night's story exploration and debate! I think in future I'll have section in the eve where we get to challenge the story too...it's useful to push back and kind of fun too! For those who missed the story or would like to...
Hi Everyone,Thanks for a really gorgeous evening once again. I'm really enjoying the collective energy of the group and am excited about how things develop over the coming weeks.I'm going to send the story activities and links now, as the video needs...
Hi Everyone, Thanks to everyone who made it along last night as we returned to Finn and the curious tale of the birth of his son, Ossian, greatest poet amongst the Fianna. Hear the story and the group chat via the video:https://youtu.be/wYHukB_e7pcWe...
Greetings all, I hope you all had a restful nights dreaming after yesterdays session.Here is the recording:https://youtu.be/CHsM2KAbqKYThe suggested activities are as follows:Keep dream journal for a week. Leave book beside your bed with pen, write a...
Hi Guys, Just a quick reminder about tonights course, usual time and place:Topic: Dougie Mackay's Personal Meeting Roomhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/9531567997?pwd=UWFaUk4raTU2MnJGRGdnRUl1OVRjZz09Meeting ID: 953 156 7997Passcode: babayaga.....Also, who w...