Space Traipse 7 is out!

Sep 29, 2023 3:01 pm


Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 7


I'm excited about this one because the main story, "They Grow So Fast" turned out amazing! There are also two other stories that are just fun.

“They Grow So Fast” (Parody of ST:TNG “The Child): When the Impulsive plows into an sapient energy being, it decides to explore humanity by becoming human—and chooses Lt. Ellie Doall to be his mom! From dealing with morning sickness to finding her boy grown and kissing her best friend (ew!), Ellie experiences the highs and lows of motherhood in days. But can her skills protect Joleu from a black ops Union division intent on taking him for study?

“Put a Ring on It” (Parody of ST:TOS “Who Mourns for Adonais?”): The Impulsive is waylaid by the ancient god Neptune, who thinks they should worship him instead of saving a planet of merfolk. (Or not saving—it’s a Prime Directive thing).

“Erst Bound and Down”: The Impulsive plays “Smokey and the Bandit” when they have to run a blockade. Erst is in dire need of grain to stop a famine, but the Smo’qui, a federation of fanatics who believe the only humane food is replicated, try to stop them every which way they can.

Purchase Space Traipse 7 now!

Scene from Space Traipse 7 "They Grow So Fast"

There's no having a discussion with the doctor in a public bar about being impregnated by an alien entity. this scene seems more realistic to me:

The third room was also full of focused energy, although much gentler. Feminine. This was a lifebringer of the species.

And that’s when it had a wonderful idea!

As the creature slept, the energy being found its way into her womb and made itself cozy. Immediately, it felt the changes coming upon it. This would be such fun!

In her sleep, Lt. Ellie Doall had a fleeting dream of her fiancé, Todd. She rolled over, a smile on her face.

* * *

When her alarm went off, Ellie woke up sure of two things. One, that she’d had an amazing dream—if only she could remember it. Two, she had to get to the head, now!

She barely made it to the toilet before the contents of her stomach emptied themselves. Afterwards, she sat back, leaning her head on the wall, too tired even to wipe her mouth. She touched her head with the back of her hand. It didn’t seem warm; clammier, if anything.

We haven’t even gotten to the plague lab yet, she grumbled. How can I be sick?

“Pulsie, run a diagnostic on my replicator,” she said as she made herself stand up and rinse out her mouth. She felt a little better, at any rate.

“It’s working normally,” the voice of the HMB Impulsive replied.

She sighed. “Doall to Bridge. Commander, I’m not feeling well. I’m reporting to Sickbay.”

She threw up twice more before she could get the energy to get dressed, and then her clothes felt tight. Great, bloated as well as sick. What else can go wrong? But she fixed her hair and makeup and set her face to a calm dignified expression as she walked down the hall. On the short walk, she began to feel better, although her waistband was constricting. Was there anything in the Actuary tables that covered this? Lost in thought, she passed through the Sickbay doors.

The voice of the holographic doctor, Doc Sorcha, greeted her. “Good morning, Lieutenant. Why are…”

Then Doc Sorcha did something Ellie had never seen her do except on purpose. She paused.


“Are you here to run a diagnostic on me?”

Ellie was starting to feel simultaneously queasy and famished. “I was hoping you’d do that on me. I feel strange.”

“I can understand why.” The doctor appeared in front of her. She was in her standard form, right down to the tight bun, as if she was afraid to try anything outside her original programming. “But that’s also why I suspect I may be malfunctioning. My sensors say you are pregnant.”

“What?” Ellie jerked back from her. Suddenly, her head swam.

The next thing she knew, Doc Sorcha had one of her elbows and Nurse Harrison Bradshaw the other, and they were guiding her to a diagnostic bed.

“Easy,” Bradshaw said. “Are you alright?”

“Obviously not!” she snapped.

Find out how Ellie handles the news. Get ST:HMB 7 now!
