Ellie Doall's pregnant! How I give ST: TNG "The Child" the HMB Impulsive treatment

Oct 06, 2023 3:11 pm


I took October off work, which does not mean it's not going to be a busy month. Next week, we're heading to Rob's Air Force Academy reunion, then I'm heading to Houston to visit my sister. I'm also joining LegendHaven to talk about worldbuilding and humor. It's a free conference for writers and readers of Christian/Catholic science fiction and fantasy.

So for the next few weeks, I'm talking about my latest book, Space Traipse 7.

Space Traipse: Hold My Beer, Season 7


“They Grow So Fast” (Parody of ST:TNG “The Child): When the Impulsive plows into a sapient energy being, it decides to explore humanity by becoming human—and chooses Lt. Ellie Doall to be his mom! From dealing with morning sickness to finding her boy grown and kissing her best friend (ew!), Ellie experiences the highs and lows of motherhood in days. But can her skills protect Joleu from a black ops Union division intent on taking him for study?

Purchase Space Traipse 7 now!

Behind the Scenes from Space Traipse 7 "They Grow So Fast"

I hate ST:TNG “The Child,” and every time I see it, I hate it a little more. The birth that wasn’t just painless but sterile. The eight-year-old boy who had never cried until that moment when he purposefully burned himself? Puppies on a starship—what? But the worst thing for me was how when Ian dies and fades away, everyone leaves her to cry all by herself.

That’s when I knew: Ellie had to have an alien baby; it would be a circus, and the Impulsive would rally around her just like they take care of each other every mission. For 72 hours, that kid would have a family. He would leave understanding what it really means to be human.

I also didn't want to kill him off at eight years old. How much can you learn about the human experience when you haven't reached puberty? So he gets the whole treatment from diapers to first kiss. Poor Ellie, trying to adapt to a lifetime of parenting in three days! It doesn't matter how awesome you are, motherhood is a challenge.

Speaking of mothers, Mrs. Ambassador Doall makes an appearance as well--virtually, of course--as does Todd. There are a lot of touching moments mixed with the comedy. Of course, those are my favorite kinds of stories to write, and I love it when the characters live up to their best potential.

Scene from Space Traipse 7 "They Grow So Fast"

I love this scene for how sweet and caring Jeb and Phin are to Ellie, plus Nurse Bradshaw gets to be a mother hen! (Note, however, that Jeb does what he can to protect the ship from intruders, first.)

Ship taken care of, Jeb turned his attention to one crew member in particular. “How are you holding up, Ellie?”

He purposely used her given name. He didn’t need her to be their miracle lieutenant right now. He wanted her to know they were going to take care of her.

The softening of her crisp professional expression said she’d gotten the message. “I’m not sure, sir,” she said quietly, then smirked. “But at least I’ve stopped panicking.”

He grinned with amusement and pride, then became serious again. “You want to call your fiancé? Maybe your parents?”

Her eyes grew wide with horror. “What will my mother say? I don’t know if I can face that right now!”

Commander Smythe, having finished giving instructions to the support crew that did stuff like handle recreation, run the cafeteria, and look after the ship’s katt, took his spot beside Ellie’s bed. “I can be there with you if it will help,” he offered.

“I have to talk to Todd,” she said. “I have to know…what he…”

Jeb grasped her shoulder. “If he’s half the man he’s shown himself to be, he’s going to want to do right by you. The question is, what do you want?”

“I don’t know! This is happening too fast.” She paused, took a breath, and pulled up a screen on her tablet. “I can’t stay on the Impulsive, obviously, but our mission is too time-critical to divert. The nearest starbase, Five-One-Eight, is three days by shuttle, so that hardly works. There are three starships in the area that are family class, but given the unusual nature of this child…”

Over her head, Jeb traded a look with his first officer. This was not what he had meant yet was exactly the kind of answer they should have expected.

Smythe gently pulled the tablet from her grasp. “Let us handle the logistics. Why don’t you go into the doctor’s office where there’s more privacy and call your fiancé?”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sirs.” She swung her feet off the bed, but when she stood, she swayed. Jeb caught her.

Nurse Bradshaw was suddenly at her side, a protein shake in his hand. “You need to eat!” he scolded. “That child is pulling days’ worth of nutrients from you every few minutes.”

Clucking like a mother hen, he relieved her from the captain and escorted her to the office.

Find out how Todd reacts. Get ST:HMB 7 now!
