The Secret of Shogzallie and classes--plus some midlife crisis angst

Sep 22, 2023 3:45 pm


What’s New in FabianSpace

Update on Gapman: Ronnie had his first official rescue as Gapman! It was unexpected and terribly awkward, and his glove needs repairs, but the chihuahua is safe and the people love him! Next: Vern takes him on as his padawan.

I'm still trying to figure out the mirror universe adventures. I want this to be a little more mapped out than my usual Space Traipse adventures. Unlike Voyager, the Impulsive is focused on getting back home. I know some of the alternate-political structure, and there's an outside threat that will carry to their universe (and the Chatway books I want to write with Ellie and Todd when she becomes First Officer of the Ren Alalta.

Write me and let me know what you want to see in the mirror universe! I know this much so far:

  • Evil sociopath Empress Ellie
  • Rebel Captain Jeb Tiberius
  • Hood mercenary captain Enigo LaFuentes
  • Assassin Gel O'Tin

I still have openings in my classes. Sign up now!

How to Publish on Amazon – class and demo

The last couple of times I’ve published a book on Amazon, I held a webinar to show folks how it’s done. I’ve had a great response and decided to formalize it into a class. I’ll cover what you need to prepare, some of the basics, and then walk you through a demo, using Idol Speculations as the guinea pig! You’ll leave with an understanding of how to publish using KDP (Amazon’s platform) and a worksheet to help you prepare.

The class is on Saturday, Sept 23, 8-9 PM, Eastern.

$10 (CWG members contact me for a coupon code.)

Learn how to publish on Amazon

Character Voice

I'm enjoying teaching my writing classes, and this month, we're moving to one of my favorite things--character voice. I've broken down the process to help students learn how to create character voices that reveal who the character is, from attitudes to how they see the world. This is a fun class with examples, process breakdowns, and exercises. If you feel like your characters all sound alike or if you want to make your characters stand out, this is the class for you!

Friday, Sept 29, 8-9:30 PM

$20 (CWG members contact me for a coupon code.)

Lets Develop Character Voice!

Idol Speculations: Meet Clara

Shogzallie let out a great roar and turned toward me. “Betrayers!” he screamed—in a language I actually understood!

“Yeah, yeah,” I responded. “I get it: You’re mad. I can’t blame you, actually.”

“They mock me! I am—” His name slid over my ears like slime. Around him, vegetation wilted at the mere sound. “I commanded fear and respect for millennia. Mortals of all species cowered before me! And they…”

He paused, indicating his Godzilla-like form with a sweep of tentacles.

I let out a longsuffering sigh. “Welcome to the Mundane. 

Purchase Idol Speculations

Idol Speculations Coloring Pages

I'm so excited to see people downloaded the Shogzallie coloring pages. Send me your creations and I'll post them!

Brent Donoho drew some great pictures of Shogzallie and Vern and I made a little coloring book. Download it here! Then share with me when you color them in!
