Geese, conferences, and why I love writing

May 26, 2023 3:31 pm


·        Going to the Catholic Writers’ Conference Live in Chicago!

·        Why I love the side characters and stories in DragonEye, PI

What’s New in FabianSpace

Next week, I’m going to the Catholic Writers Conference – Live. It’s in Chicago again this year, though not part of the CMN trade show. I’m thinking that means I’ll have more time to hang out with my friends and probably see more of the seminars. My best friend, Ann Lewis, founded the conference over a decade ago, and I try to attend each year. It’s the only time I see so many of my friends who I interact with regularly online.

I love doing things online. It’s very convenient and does away with awkward pauses in conversation and wondering where to look and where to put my hands. I am also more comfortable jumping into a conversation. However, there’s something special about CWCL. I am on an adrenaline rush all weekend, and there’s no awkwardness with these people, even those I’d never met. We’re like a family reuniting but without the drama.

I may not have time next Friday to send a report on how it went, but if not, I’ll let you know the next week.

DragonEye Side Stories and Characters

I’m deep into Vern vs. Godzilla (title: Idol Speculations), but I won’t have it for August, I’m afraid. I’m going to publish the novella Good Intentions in June, though—or as soon as Dawn Grimes, my intrepid cover artist, can make a cover for it. (I tried and failed.) So more Vern snark coming soon.

I love writing Vern stories for the worlds as much as for Vern. There’s always some new side story or character just waiting to take the stage. In Idol Speculations, it’s Clara the Goose Who Does Not Lay Golden Eggs. I stuck it in as a side job really to add words to the story, and she—in typical goose fashion—decided to stake her claim.

She’s not the first character to do this. Captain Santry has his own independent short story and is clamoring for a fantasy romance trilogy. Next year, I’ll reintroduce Coyote, who appears in Magic, Mensa, and Mayhem and has a couple of side stories of his own. He’s so much fun with his arrogance and obliviousness. In some ways, he’s like a fun-loving version of Vern, which is one of the things that freaked Sister Grace out when Vern turned human in Siren Spell. He’s so much trouble!

There are other characters who are very dear to me. Father Coco, who had a cameo on Nun of My Business, is the MC of a story I’ve yet to publish because we’re not there in the timeline yet, but the story was strong in my heart. Of course, the Costa family with all the kids are fun to write, even if they don’t appear. And I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love Natura, even if they do roll their eyes at her hippie wokeness.

Who is your favorite character? Is there someone you’d like to see in a future story? Email and let me know.
