A little Vern fun while I hang out with my mom

Jul 28, 2023 3:16 pm


  • Hanging out with Mom
  • 20 random facts about Vern

What's Up in FabianSpace

Mom's here for a week while Dad attends his 60th high school reunion. So today, a little Vern fun.

20 Random Facts about Vern

1. Do you like blue cheese? Yeah. I also like road kill. Make a connection if you want.

2. Have you ever smoked? Sure. I breathe fire, too. It's only hazardous to your health.

3. Do you own a gun? Why would I bother?

4. What flavor Kool Aid was your favorite? Dragons don't drink the Kool Aid

5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments? No, but they do

6. What do you think of hot dogs? Hot, cold, doesn't matter to me. I try not to eat dogs here. It disturbs you Mundanes.

7. Favorite Christmas movie? Miracle on 34th Street 

8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning? Water—in a bucket, not a bottle.

9. Can you do push ups? All the time, but with a four-legged body, that doesn’t mean much

10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry? Large and sparkly--and expensive. My favorite stone is Dragonstone, of course. Not sparkly, but mesmerizing.

11. Favorite hobby? Collecting unique experiences. Damsels and knights, how I indulge that hobby here!

12. Do you have A.D.D.? Since I have a brain that can effectively multitask, this question is irrelevant.

13. What's one trait you dislike about yourself? That I'm not myself in so many ways. Undersized and underpowered gets really annoying after awhile.

14. What is your middle name? Dragons don't have middle names.

15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment: Why does summer have to end? I'm working through some Gap physics from an article I just read. And I think I know where Mrs. Edmonton's prize Schitzu is.

16. Name three drinks you regularly drink: water, tea, ethanol (though not as regularly as I did before Grace moved in) 

17. Current worry? Stopping the Faerie forces of Hell from getting a foothold in the Mundane. And dealing with our leaky roof.

18. Current hate right now? That I don't have all my magical abilities back

19. Favorite place to be? Hanging out with Grace

20. Where would you like to go? Back to my old stomping ground in Faerie, just for a vacation. Roll in my treasure, swim in the Red Sea, chase down my prey in a huge savanna...
