Idol Speculations is out! Plus Meet Dawn Colclasure

Sep 01, 2023 3:36 pm


What’s New in FabianSpace

Last week, I mentioned that I may be doing some comedy at a local fashion show. Long story short, I did not get to tell jokes. Instead, I was the announcer for the child and female models. I had a lot of fun, we made money for a good cause. (Success Indeed, which helps high schoolers who want to go into vocations instead of college). There's another show in November, and I may get to do comedy and more announcing then.

However, during the setup, which I helped, I dropped a chair on my foot. I think I have a hairline fracture, but my doc is on vacation and all Urgent Care would probably just boot me and tell me to ice it, so I bought a boot and am gimping around. In the meantime, two of my boys have Covid, so we're isolating. I'm negative so far.

On September 5, I'll be on A Podcast?! talking about my books, classes, and Everything, Everywhere, All At Once, a movie I totally identify with. Listen in!

Idol Speculations is here!

imageIt's Vern vs. Godzilla (or a Godzilla wannabe).

When an elder god that’s been hiding in the lakes of Los Lagos, grows under the inadvertent influence of Mundanes, it emerges as a monster out of a kaiju movie. Vern gets the help of mages, the National Guard, and even a mechadragon, but in the end, it’s up to Vern to save the day.

I'm so excited to have this one come out. I've been wanting to write it for a long time. I've shared the summary twice now, so let me tell you some fun facts!

  1. I wrote this one for my son, Steven, who is a big kaiju movie fan. We had a great time watching the movies together.
  2. Shogzallie is actually a leftover from Nun of My Business!
  3. Shogzallie rises to attack on my son's birthday. (Happy 30th, Steven!)
  4. I asked Brent Donoho to make a drawing of Shogzallie as a scene break.
  5. I ordered more line drawings for coloring pages! I'll have those for you next week!

Purchase Idol Speculations

How to Publish on Amazon – class and demo

The last couple of times I’ve published a book on Amazon, I held a webinar to show folks how it’s done. I’ve had a great response and decided to formalize it into a class. I’ll cover what you need to prepare, some of the basics, and then walk you through a demo, using Idol Speculations as the guinea pig! You’ll leave with an understanding of how to publish using KDP (Amazon’s platform) and a worksheet to help you prepare.

The class is on Saturday, Sept 23, 8-9 PM, Eastern.

$10 (CWG members contact me for a coupon code.)

Learn how to publish on Amazon

Meet Dawn Colclasure 

I had the opportunity to talk about self-publishing for Dawn's newsletter, The SPARREW. The SPARREW Newsletter is a free monthly newsletter for self-publishers, authors, readers, reviewers, editors, and writers. Each issue arrives with the latest industry news and interviews with some of today's most prolific industry leaders. It's a worthwhile newsletter and even better, subscribers receive a free ebook with every issue.

Register for The SPARREW

imageDawn is a writer who lives in Oregon with her husband and children. Her experiences with the paranormal inspired her to write ghost stories, as well as create the middle-grade paranormal mystery series, The GHOST Group, with new books in the series to be released in Summer of 2024. As a Deaf writer, she has written about topics relevant to the Deaf/HOH community. Aside from writing, she enjoys going for walks, baking, reading, watching movies, and spending time with her kids, aged 21 and 15.

She is the author and co-author of over four dozen books, among them 365 Tips for Writers: Inspiration, Writing Prompts and Beat the Block: Tips to Turbo Charge Your Creativity, and the horror novel, Shadow of Samhain. She is also a book reviewer and ghostwriter. Her stories have appeared in magazines, newspapers, websites and anthologies. She is a former journalist who wrote for the national newspaper SIGNews and a former poetry editor for Skyline E-Magazine and American Bard. She is also a self-publisher. She publishes the SPARREW Newsletter each month. Her websites are at and Her Twitter: @dawncolclasure.
