Bees, Chickens, and A BIG ANNOUNCEMENT
Jun 03, 2023 12:41 am
Hey friends, it's Sandi! Welcome to this week's newsletter. We had an exciting week and I can't wait to tell you about the swarm of bees that landed right in our front yard! It was beautiful, and a bit scary. The bees showed up in a big cloud around our apple trees and I didn't understand what was happening at first. I stood mesmerized, listening to the buzz and trying to decide whether to run in my house when the cloud started to condense on a limb into a tight, beard-shaped swarm. It was amazing and took place in a matter of seconds. I'd never seen a real swarm before, and it happened before my very eyes in my own front yard. I'm new to beekeeping so it was intimidating trying to capture a swarm, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity and it worked!! The bees are now happy and healthy in a new hive box in my backyard.
If you're interested, you can watch the video of gathering the swarm here:
We processed chickens this week as well. We have been raising meat birds on pasture for a number of years now, and spent a lot of time learning the best way to grow grass and baby chicks, perfecting structures for pens, determining the right amount of time to let chickens stay in one area to keep the birds and grass healthy, and streamlining the process of butchering. Raising high quality pastured poultry requires intense management and constant care, but the reward of clean, healthy, nutrient dense meat that is full of flavor is worth it to us. Happy chickens are tasty chickens!
We control everything from the time chicks arrive at a day or two old to processing and packaging, and we're excited to have reached a point in our lives where we can offer the option of healthy, locally raised meat to our friends and family. That leads me to our BIG ANNOUNCEMENT...
WE ARE NOW OFFERING CSA SHARES FOR OUR PASTURED POULTRY!! If you are unfamiliar with Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), it is a model of production where farmers plan for the needs of local customers, and community members support their farmer by purchasing a share of the harvest in advance. CSA promotes relationships between community members and farmers, creating connections with people and the food they eat. If you're interested in learning about our pastured poultry CSA share, visit us here.
Typically, shares will run every three months, but this first share will start in July and run for two months through August. CSA members will receive 15 lb (+ or - 1/2 lb) of nutrient dense pasture raised chicken to store in the freezer, conveniently delivered to a predetermined location and restocked monthly. CSA members will also receive 2 dozen eggs from our pastured hens each month with their delivery, and we offer add-on options to ensure additional products are reserved from our limited homegrown/handcrafted supply. Options include additional eggs, soap, tea, culinary mushrooms, and jams/jellies. CSA members will receive 10% off our products at market as well. The cost for the first two-month share is $200 plus a one-time $20 fee for two insulated totes that will be property of the members and used to deliver shares. Each month, you'll bring the empty tote to us and we'll swap it for a full tote containing your monthly share. Future shares running in three month cycles will cost $300. All first time members will pay the one-time $20 fee for totes. Delivery dates for shares will be the second Saturday of each month unless other arrangements are announced. The first share will be delivered July 8 and Aug 12.
We are sending this offer to our subscribers first because we have a very limited number of shares available. We will go public with the offer this Sunday, so take action now if you want the guarantee of premium pastured poultry stocked in your freezer monthly with fresh eggs for your fridge!
Scroll to the bottom of the page to add the totes.
Thanks for being a friend of the farm! We're looking forward to sharing life on the farm with you next week.
Remember, happy chickens are tasty chickens!