Australia woke to news this morning that NASA's latest spacecraft launch from Florida's Kennedy Space Center was a huge success. Our own Karina Holden was there for lift off! The post NASA launches Europa Clipper into space in search for signs of lif...
The Kimberley is beautiful any time of year, but from March to May – waterfall season – it is even more spectacular. The post Chasing waterfalls in the Kimberley appeared first on Australian Geographic.
After a stellar 50 years as one of the country’s major scientific assets, the Anglo-Australian Telescope continues to play a major role in keeping Australian astronomy on the world stage. The post A telescope for a Golden Age appeared first on Austra...
This patch of remnant bush on the edge of the West Australian wheatbelt is a place loved by one of Australia’s rarest bird species and the man who has studied the site for more than 50 years. The post Cocky whispering at Coomallo Creek appeared first...
Discover the delights of Ontario by taking it outside in summer or autumn. The post Onwards to Ontario appeared first on Australian Geographic.
What started as a study to better understand how lobsters prey on sea urchins instead discovered sharks also predate on the pest. The post Sharks filmed ‘smashing’ sea urchins appeared first on Australian Geographic.
It’s been 100 years since compulsory voting was introduced for Australian federal elections. The post Centenary of compulsory voting appeared first on Australian Geographic.
On October 10, NASA is launching a new mission to find habitable spots on Jupiter’s fourth-largest moon, Europa. The post NASA’s latest mission is looking for life on Jupiter appeared first on Australian Geographic.
How tourism helped protect the “cradle of the eucalypts”. The post Revisiting Gippsland splendour appeared first on Australian Geographic.
When dead animals are left lying around in nature, who takes advantage of the free feed – carnivores or herbivores? The answer may surprise you. The post ‘Vegetarian’ possums eat meat when the weather’s cold appeared first on Australian Geographic.