What's coming next for The Chapter?

Mar 05, 2022 2:26 pm


Howdy, fine Chapter-ites!

First off, a huge thanks again for reading and reviewing The Crown of Fire & Fury! Its launch has gone well, and those reviews are amazing! Just so pleased to see it landed with you and other readers.

But as this is a year of launches for me, it's on to the next book now!

As you may have seen in The Fellowship Broadcast, I'm releasing the last book in The Famine Cycle in April, Requiem of Silence. Here's its awesome cover to get you excited for it!


While it's not quite ready for review (should be coming in the next couple of weeks), you can get started on the first two books in the series now! Download links below.

Download Whispers of Ruin.

Download Echoes of Chaos.

As The Famine Cycle is one of my less-popular series, I'm assuming most of you aren't yet caught up on it yet. So there's no strict timing requirement for the reviews on Requiem of Silence.

If you can read through the trilogy before then, I'd be super grateful! But no sweat at all if you can't fit them in or find them not to your taste.

Thanks again for being part of the team, and I hope you enjoy the books!

