If you missed it before, The Famine Cycle omnibus! | The Chapter

Nov 20, 2023 8:31 pm


Hello, dear Chapter!

We've had quite a few new folks join us recently, so it's past time I did a little update!

If you weren't around before, welcome once again - I'm pleased to have you aboard.

To get you up to speed, the next book up for review is not just one book, but several - and they're not new!

The Famine Cycle is getting a boxset, or omnibus, edition, which includes the three main books in the trilogy and a side novella.


I'm still waiting on the new cover (which is coming from artist Ömer Burak Önal), but that means it's the perfect opportunity for you to get started reading.

So if you missed it before, here's the download link to the boxset.

May you enjoy it!

If you're like me and prefer to review books while they're fresh in your mind, the best way to compose it now is to leave a review on the Amazon series page.

Here's the link to the series page.

Once you're on it, scroll to the bottom to write a review, similar to how you would for an individual book.

Then, when the omnibus is released, it will be very easy for you to copy and paste it over to the new book.

I think that's it! Enjoy the books and, to my fellow Americans, the holiday week. Take care!


