Thanks team! + Sneak peek at the new Famine cover | The Chapter

May 23, 2024 4:00 pm


Hello, dear Chapter!

Thanks so much for helping launch A Battle Between Blood this past week! It had a bit of a rocky start in the review department thanks to an unfortunate 1-star from a reader disappointed it was a novella - but thanks to you all, the score has steadily pulled back up!

Overall, I can't complain. And one again, that's thanks to you kind people!

Looking ahead, we'll have The Famine Cycle omnibus releasing soon at last. I have a tentative launch date of June 26th, but that's still subject to change.

What's not changing is the final cover, which is finally done! Check it out below.


Hope you like it! And please don't share it around - this is hush hush for the moment until closer to the release.

If you've already blown through the series, you can park your reviews for now on the Amazon series page. Here's the link to it once again.

And if you want to pick up the ebook omnibus with the new cover, here's the download page for it!

Take care!

~ Josiah

