⚡ The Hidden Guardian has a launch date!

Dec 09, 2023 5:35 pm


Hey there, Kickstarter crowd!

Hope your December is going well! I'm reaching out today with an exciting bit of news for the upcoming Hidden Guardian campaign:

The Kickstarter launches on January 9th!


I hope you're ready for it like I am!

I'll check back soon to reveal the first three interior art pieces going into the book. Until then, if you haven't already, following the campaign page would be much appreciated!

Follow the campaign!

In the meantime, I'm working with a new artist to create those final four illustrations so we have seven like in the first two books.

I also have at least one new story—possibly two—in the works that might serve as stretch goals.

While we're on stretch goals, I'm curious:

What kind of stretch goals do you like seeing in campaigns for sequels?

It's always tougher to come up with ideas for them than for Book 1s! If you have any thoughts for me, I'm all ears.

That's all I've got for now. Until next time, keep well!

~ Josiah

J.D.L. Rosell

