From controlling debt to student loan education, Apprisen is among many great resources that will support you on your way to financial freedom. The post The Dollars And Sense of Controlling Debt Through Education appeared first on .
There are critical times we tend to avoid, even run from. Our aging parents, grandparents, or other family members need to live safe, healthy lives. If we educate ourselves on the resources available to us, we could avoid future crises. The post Esta...
Many of us were not aware of all that is accomplished by Columbus Public Health. However, we have learned this department did not just “pop” out of thin air when the pandemic hit. The post The Role of Our Community’s Public Health Department appeared...
A free public education is a founding principle of the U.S., and the platform for our children to grow, excel, and succeed in a chosen career for decades. However, children spend too much of their class time studying for high-stakes state exams. The...
Often, small business owners are so busy, social media is just an “evil necessity”! Yet, with just a few steps, being active on LinkedIn could make significant changes in your business, finding great vendors or targeting new clients. The post Growin...
During this pandemic, the mental health of older adult population was under siege. They were the most vulnerable to the Corona virus. Their residential facilities were hotbeds for the disease. And many felt they were in a “locked down” prison at home...
If you yourself are not “older”, you likely have family, friends, neighbors who are aging. Our two guests will be providing incredible information for successful aging. The post Successful Aging and The Senior Services Roundtable appeared first on .
The Breathing Association strives to educate the public on the issues affecting our community, such as smoking, air quality, energy needs, diseases like COPD, asthma, and other breathing disorders. The post Take A Deep Breath – The Breathing Associa...
The anti-vaccination movement has been around for a long time. The information they provide has been proven wrong in more recent scientific studies. However, it would seem that they have found a “new voice” or platform with the COVID-19 fight. The po...
Lifelong learning is key to success in the workplace. When education barriers for adult students and job seekers exist, we all lose. The post Education Barriers for Adult Students and Job Seekers appeared first on .