August NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,I know I'm late getting this out and I'm sorry for it. Although...
July NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,I want to thank everyone who prayed for Jacob and/or sent me birt...
June NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,June is here, which means it's my birthday month. Out of those of...
May NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,I can't believe it's already May. This year's been flying by. Last...
April NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,I'm currently looking for some early readers as my next editing...
March NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,Most of my work this past month has been focused on editing. I n...
February NewsContentsIntroduction, updates, and newsletter giveawaySales, freebies, and/or new releasesWriting SnippetGiveaways and promotionsBook recommendationsClosing remarksMy booksHi ,I don't know about you, but for me, this year I've been more...