Clara James Tutoring

Is your child studying for exams this year?

A few mums have recently said that they were putting together a planner for their kids revision. I wondered if I could make something to help.

The full version is available on amazon, but you can download the key pages here if wanted. It starts with a section that explains how we learn, this is then complimented with some revision techniques, and the need to focus because you can't revise everything, every day. It also asks you why you want those grades. Is it because you never want to have to do that subject again, or is it just the opposite so that you can do really well and go on and study it further or work in that field one day.

Set targets which are realistic and if some days they can't be bothered, that's fine, just do 5 minutes then leave it. You may find that once they've started they might be inspired to keep going.

If not, it doesn't matter, 5 minutes is better than nothing...

I also suggest at the end of the day they write down what they have done to help them to achieve the grades, what have they done to get them closer to their dream. Having nothing to write feels bad so it inspires you to do something. It also helps build that sense of achievement and pride knowing that no matter what they achieve they can go into the exam hall with their head held high knowing there was nothing more that they could have done to help them to pass their exams.

To download the pages for free, click on the link below

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