Strange Things You May Not Know At Work

Dec 06, 2024 6:16 am

Workplace Multiplier by Tola Akinsulire

Friday Edition: December 6, 2024

Welcome to the Workplace Multiplier newsletter. Published every Tuesday & Friday, we discover something crucial to help us on the way to winning at work and in life.

Strange Things You May Not Know At Work


Aylwin Lewis, former CEO of Potbelly and Sears tells an interesting story from his early days in his career.

He was a district manager at Jack-in-the-Box. He gets a call from the financial guy, Chris, at the division in Dallas who shares something with him.


At this point, Alywin had missed out on 3 promotions. Chris decides to let him in on an insider gist. He said “I want to tell you something on the QT. The reason why you haven’t been promoted is that your afro is too large. If you ever tell anybody I told you this, I’ll deny it. But your afro is too large”


This happened on a Friday. On Saturday, Alywin visits his dad and goes on a rant.


“Can you believe this? They tell me I’m not getting promoted because I have an afro.”


His dad looks him in the face and replies “The barber is right down the street.”


Alywin is feeling sorry for himself but gets a kick in the teeth from his dad.


Long story short, he got a haircut and within a few months, he was promoted.


Let’s leave aside the matter of “how a haircut can hold a promotion three times”, there is the bigger matter of knowing what hill to die on.


Interestingly, Alywin was ready to fight the perceived injustice of not being seen as ready for the big leagues simply because of an afro.


The funny thing is…it’s not unusual.


Not everyone will let you into the Big Boys & Girls Club simply because you knocked on the door.


Sometimes, you have to look the part for the organisation to get the part. Not every place values the diversity of characters and personalities at the top.


But you can still get there without losing your sense of personal self-expression.


Add to that, you might be the spice to the mix that adds a whole new flavour to the stew.


And make things easier for the people that will come after you.


Decide the hill you want to die on.


Choose your battles wisely.


Wishing you all the success.


Finally in the words of Aragorn…


I see in your eyes the same fear
That would take the heart of me.
A day may come when the courage of men fails,
when we forsake our friends
And break all bonds of fellowship,
But it is not this day.
An hour of wolves and shattered shields,
When the age of men comes crashing down,
But it is not this day!
This day we fight!!
By all that you hold dear on this good Earth,
I bid you stand, Men of the West!!!



As always, show up every day to win at work and in life.


Tola Akinsulire

I am a Workplace Multiplier

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