i know you can do this

Oct 28, 2024 12:56 pm


Hey Calm & Colorful Mama!!

Last week was my baby boy's FIRST birthday and his party was over the weekend. It's been a busy month planning this party, working through the emotions and processing not only am I a MOMMY, I'm a mommy to a 1 year old! 😲

We are about to move again to our next petsit in a few days.

It’s really hard for me to be productive right now. Are you feeling that, too?

Someone gave me the advice that I should make micro tasks and then celebrate crossing that micro-task off the list.

In case you’re struggling right now to get to your to-dos, here are a few micro-tasks to choose from to regulate your emotions going into this week.

Just pick one and then go celebrate, friend.

 Just pick one thing to get done this week. Then pat yourself on the back for being so darn productive.

  • Balloon Breathing: Take 3 deep belly breaths, imagining your belly filling up like a balloon, then slowly let the air out. This helps calm the body and mind.
  • Feel and Name: Pause and silently name what you're feeling (e.g., "I feel sad" or "I feel excited"). This helps build awareness of emotions.
  • Count to Five: Slowly count to five on your fingers when feeling overwhelmed. This gives space to reset before reacting.
  • 5-4-3-2-1 Senses: Notice five things you can see, four you can touch, three you can hear, two you can smell, and one you can taste. This grounds you in the present moment.

Okay . That’s it. Remember, just pick one and get it done. I believe in you!

With love & gratitude,

Jessica Brittani

PS. I just spent an entire day on Zoom with friends prepping for my Black Friday sale. I’m seriously so excited this year to offer you something valuable, for a great deal. My BF mantra is to show up with a solution, not just a link!

Oh, BTW...if you’ve been wanting to buy something from me but haven’t had a chance to yet, speak up! Hit reply with anything you’d like to see in my BF sale. I’m still finalizing details and want your voice to be heard.

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