Jul 17, 2024 7:45 pm



I am popping into your mailbox because you subscribed to my list or downloaded one of my books.

In my previous email, I asked, "How do you do LESS but accomplish MORE?" I was curious how you dealt with this and asked for your input. Here is what some of you said!

DBD said,

Time blocking.  Even if you schedule time blocking and struggle to complete plans for that time block, you will have begun creating a habit to set aside that time.  I created and sold a 7-figure biz and was raised in a chaotic household. I didn't even know I had control of my calendar and could pick and choose what I wanted to do with my time.  It wasn't until I began time blocking and setting a date with myself to work on the hard stuff that I really grew my business. 

(Oh, I could love this more! I want to add that time blocking can be further refined by blocking off time for specific tasks (creative, admin, meetings, working out) when you do that task best! For example, I am more easily creative first thing or late at night).

JH said,

Get out of the weeds. Be intentional about everything. Do not value busy; value productive. (Yes! Stay alert and avoid autopilot).

LF said,

I purposely focus on completing things and not leaving tasks open. (Oh, you mean 25 open tabs on my computer might be energy-draining and distracting ha ha?)

GH said,

I learned early that I needed to figure out which part of my daily activities created most of my results and momentum and then focus on that stuff. (Love it!)

SD said,

I set a goal for myself and then break it down into little steps that I schedule into my calendar. This helps me stay focused. ( I love this for big-picture planning; in fact, I have a worksheet called Dreamlinking that helps people do this. I will look it over and send it next week.)

JL said,

No thanks.

No interested.

Go fly a kite 🪁

(I think he meant he wanted to unsubscribe, so I did that for him :) If you feel like my newsletter isn't for you, you can unsubscribe at the bottom. I added this comment as a reminder that we control whether we let someone upset us. Also, he subscribed to get a copy of my book on Happiness, so I found his email reply ironic. Life can kick the sh*t out of us if we do not lean into humour.)

Here are a few tips me:

If you have not read The One Thing, I would say it has helped me determine what really matters. I am solid on the big picture, but I needed to rethink how I plan my days. Life has just changed so much, and for me, it is somewhat seasonal. Remember, I am focusing on how I want to FEEL.

Until I am back teaching, here are some elements I consider in my daily planning that may help you make your life FEEL JUICY GOOD. Then, I will shift things a bit to accommodate my fall/winter schedule.

  1. I sat down and created a STOPPING LIST. What were all the things I needed to STOP doing? That made some space off the get-go as we often take on things we do not need to... it creeps in. Maybe I also needed to stop allowing relationships/interactions that didn't make me feel so great. Again, I am cognizant of this, but I needed to take a look at things and tidy up the front step.
  2. I like slower, more intentional mornings. I like the way it feels to wake up organically, lol—not with my heart in my throat from the alarm clock. I am scheduling time for me first thing. I am skipping alarm clocks at all costs. No meetings before I have savoured part of my day and organized my day.
  3. Creating space and protecting it. There is no go-go-go. I get to enjoy dinners, patios, bike rides, and downtime. I do not need to tackle my summer to-do list in the first month. Summer is fleeting and when the snow storms lock me in my house, I will be wishing I had optimized my summer. I am not on-call for everyone else.
  4. Having hard conversations. Some things in my life drain my energy and don't feel as good as I would like them to. Having these hard conversations will help me voice my expectations, boundaries, and energy investment and keep me aligned with my values so things feel better for me. This could result in things being dropped from my life or scheduled in a different way that feels better. Sometimes it is okay to quit things (it doesn't mean you have given up btw.) I write about hard conversations in 50 Shades of Happy.

I will stop here today and invite you to consider a few of the above suggestions as you plan your days. I know for sure that wonderful days strung together create a wonderful life.

ALERT: For my writers and authors

If you are looking to learn more about how to do AMS Ads (Amazon Ads) for your books on the Amazon platform, here is a free course. There have been recent changes (things change constantly in the publishing world) - but this will help you stay current and profitable! And he knows what he is talking about.

I stopped running all my ads and will be creating all new ones. Yes, ads help. Without them, you are like a 6-year-old selling warm lemonade on a side street. We all know how that works out.

Until Next Time,

Jennifer Sparks, B.Ed., M.S., PGD

My personal development books are available on Amazon in paperback and Kindle. Some are also in hardcover and audio format. If you love these kinds of books, I invite you to select your marketplace below and take a look!




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JENNIFER SPARKS, Life Strategist + Speaker

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