10 ways to use Tribute Book to touch your families...
Jun 23, 2022 4:24 pm
Hi ,
Not sure if you received the Tribute Book sample we sent you yet, but wanted to share a podcast I recently created on 10 Ways you can use the new Tribute Book to touch your families.
Tribute Book is a very cool new piece of technology that we offer on a Frazer Consultants website.
Using AI, the digital version of Tribute Book runs for 10 days from the date of death and when the running timer expires, the digital Tribute Book is created by pulling all of the content from the decedant's obituary tribute wall and turns it into a flip book that is categorized; and that includes the funeral home's information on the back page.
Copies of the printed version of the Tribute Book can be ordered by anyone directly from your Tribute Store on your Frazer funeral home website.
The podcast above provides 10 quick ways you can leverage this touchpoint inside your funeral home business these ideas are only the beginning.
Tribute Book can also be combined with QR code technology inside your funeral home so that when people attend a funeral and scan the associated QR code, they are taken directly to the decedant's obituary and tribute wall where they can leave a condolence message, order flowers or trees, or simply review what has been included there. If they choose, they can register on your tribute wall and when they do, their informaiton gets printed in the back of the Tribute Book. Providing a digital register book system for those interested in taking advantage of it.
I know you've been getting emails from Tribute Technology about the new digital and print Tribute Book, and you might even have received a sample in the mail. I would LOVE to get your feedback on this product and how you think it might be received by your families. And if you would like us to send you a sample, click here to conact me directly and I'll send you one.
As a premier parter of Tribute Technology, we here at Frazer Consultants, can offer you not only Tribute Book, but an entire suite of applications that can bring amazing engagement and a higher-end user experience when people visit you online.
In my early conversations here with customers who have already put it into place on their Frazer websites, we've received great feedback and one of the things that stands out is the many ways you can put this product to work for you in your funeral home. Sometimes when you're busy and you're being bombarded with vendors telling you how great they are, it's easy to miss something so powerful like this... 🙂
Eighty-five percent or more of your website traffic is focused on your obituaries, and the new Tribute Book is a great way to connect and engage these website visitors. Real people with real loss who can celebrate legacy in a uniqe way with Tribute Book. And, of course, you and your funeral home positioned expertly in this endeavor.
I'm going to be adding to this page, but for now I just wanted to get you this podcast and when you're ready, connect with me here and we can schedule a live showcase and talk more specifically about how you can use Tribute Book on your funeral home website.
PS Click here for my pocast on 10 Ways to use Tribute Book to touch your families