Leave your details in the below form to get a FREE E-Book on Achieving Financial Peace, The Power of Essential Insurance Plans to live a Stress-Free life, a 25 pages book written by Raajesh Shankar, the top Financial Advisor in India. Once the below form is submitted, you will also get an option to book a FREE strategic call with our team who will understand your family profile and advise you with the right options for a financial stress-free life.

Are you a salaried working professional / sole bread-winner in your family?

Do you budget your expenses every month based on your income, but still feeling like missing something?

Have you planned for all the below in your monthly savings to live a stress-free life?

  • Retirement - Save from today to build a pension-like Income and a corpus fund
  • Children's Wedding / Higher Education / Abroad Travel expenses
  • Family Floater Health Insurance to cover the whole family from unexpected hospital bills
  • Buy Home - Insure the Structure and Contents to cover risks like earthquake, floods, theft/burglary etc.,
  • Buy Car / Bike - Insure to avoid paying fines, hefty bills on accidental repairs
  • Term Insurance - Life is uncertain, Leaving a Corpus fund to protect the family financially during unexpected loss of life
  • For Business / Maids at Home - Insure your employees to support them at right times

Income Tax Exemption under Section 80-C, 80-D etc., for investing in some of the above life insurance / health insurance instruments.

Life Insurance maturity funds are 100% Tax-free under Section 10-10 D.

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