Mar 03, 2024 6:01 pm
Picture it
You are standing at the start line of a race
Your local Parkrun, the London Marathon
ANY race you can think of
Hundreds of others around you
A clear crisp day with blue skies
You've got your shades on
You've got a smile on your face
You feel good
Now here's the thing
You KNOW you are in good shape
You KNOW you have done the reps
You KNOW you have done the tempos
You KNOW you have done the long runs
You KNOW what to expect
You KNOW you can get that PB
There's NOTHING that can go wrong
You are feeling unstoppable....
Truly imagine that for a few seconds
Visualise it
Let that emotion run through your body
Feels good doesn't it?
That's confidence
That's power
This is completely attainable
But we are REALLY good at telling ourselves all the ways it can go WRONG
What if this happens, what if that happens....
Through years of social conditioning
Through times of stress
Through times of repeated default behaviours
We revert to what we have always done
Our default mode of outdated thinking
The possibility of failure
The fear based mentality we have been swimming in for years
When what we should be focused on
What we should visualise
Is the feeling of success
The feeling of elation
The sweet emotion of that fantastic run where it all went right
It couldn't have gone any better
A huge grin guaranteed for the rest of the day
Visualise and feel that over and over again, and it will be yours.
Change your way of thinking and you'll change the course of your (running) life.
P.S. Follow my journey on Strava and @movementmartin on Instagram for more of this content daily.
All the best with your journey
Until next time