Courage Comes From Taking Action

Oct 16, 2022 6:44 am



Most People Have it Backwards,

They think they have to grow their courage first and THEN take action.

But the truth is, courage only COMES from taking action!

It’s only by taking risks and stepping into the unknown that you are able to prove to yourself that you have what it takes to survive the unknown!

That’s where courage comes from – taking action and surviving the consequences and learning from your experiences!

But to kickstart the process, you have to be willing to take the first step.

It doesn’t matter how BIG that first step is.

It can be as small as sending an email or making a phone call. The important

thing is to just DO IT!

Then, after you have congratulated yourself for surviving that small first step, take another, and another – until the very act of taking action becomes comfortable for you, and you develop the courage you need to take even bigger action as you work to make your vision a reality.

To your infinite abundance, If you WANT to take game-changing action but are still finding it hard to get started and know you’ll get better results with ongoing support, keep your eyes on your inbox!

I have an exciting opportunity that I will be sharing with you next week. Stay tuned for more info…

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How to Avoid Stress and Burnout


KC Parameswaran VSM
