January 6th Devotional

Jan 06, 2025 8:41 pm

As my kids were growing up they would talk about something coming up that produced inordinate anxiety. Sometimes they would start rattling off all the possibilities for something to go awry before an event had even taken place. Our common response to their fretting was to say, “Don’t go borrowing tomorrows troubles.” It is a version of Jesus’ words, Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. In the passage just before this verse Jesus is encouraging us to lay up treasures in Heaven. Now that seems to be directing our minds towards the future, but in an incredibly positive, not worrisome way.

The new year is upon us and none of us know what 2025 will bring. For some that is exciting, and for others that produces a level of anxiety. An old Chinese blessing states, “May you live a long uneventful life.” There is a comfort in experiencing today much like you experienced yesterday. However; God designed life for his children to be challenging. The Christian life is a stretching life packed with struggle, difficulties, surprises and obstacles. The purpose of the Christian life is growth. Much like exercising increases muscle strength; facing struggles in the strength of Jesus increases faith. So many times, we see the painful faith stretching events as only negative, but God intends them for our good and for His glory. He will kindly take us to the other side and prepare us for the next day of growth. The Christian life revels in the past that has been redeemed, and the future that is glorious.

Pray today for calmness in the storms and joy in the victories. Hold your hands open to receive from the Lord Jesus the day that He has given you to live today.

