Today's Devotional

Jan 04, 2025 6:42 pm

The opening words of Jesus’ ministry are the same opening words of John the Baptist’s ministry found in Matthew 3:2. The forerunner to Jesus truly prepared the way for the King of Kings. Jesus preaches repentance. The main problem we face is not high taxes, poor wages, or too many calories. Our problem is not a sin problem that merely destroys our relationships, but a sinful nature that separates us from God and chains us in slavery to destructive habits. When we truly repent, when we can actually turn from sin, we have already received a great portion of the blessings of the rule of Jesus. We then experience the rule of Jesus in His kingdom.

           In Matthew 4:9 the devil offered Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. All Jesus had to do was bow down and worship the devil. The devil had received from God what he was offering to Jesus. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and to set up a kingdom where His rule is unmatched. As you walk through today ask a very basic question: Since I am a subject of King Jesus, and His rule is supreme in my life; How should I walk through the tasks of today so that Jesus receives the glory He deserves? This simple question will rearrange both your tasks and your energies. My prayer is that this simple exercise does not burden you but causes you to delight in your king.

           As you prepare for gathering together tomorrow with God’s people, spend time today preparing your heart to fully worship King Jesus. 

