January 5th Devotional
Jan 06, 2025 12:25 am
Jesus compares us to a city set on a hill. We are so bright when the light of Jesus shines through us that it is attention grabbing. Others cannot miss us when our light shines in this darkened world.
My friend Jarrod from Australia would comment on people that were obviously Christians. He would say they were “switched on.” He was spot on with that description. A person walking in intimate communion with Jesus has an obvious radiance about them. Recently I was at a High School Christmas concert and I could not help but notice two students that were ‘Switched On.” The radiance of a life changed by Jesus transforms a room. Jesus implies it changes cities.
It is estimated that just 2% Christians can be the tipping point for an entire region turning to Jesus. Just a few born again believers can radically change our county. I pray that the believers of Redemption Valley church are so “Switched On” that our town and county become a light for the entire state and country. You are the light of the world.