I've been wrestling with an automated email for this. Don't know if it's workingDid you already get a welcome email from me?,Thank you for signing up to learn to bend spoons.This is awesome!!I'm excited we get to share this time together in the upco...
Here's the correct registration link for Monday's SpoonBending MasterclassSign Up
,Hey, what is happening in your world? Are you enjoying yourself? Stretching past your comfort zone?Yes and Yes for me. This week I enjoyed a beautiful day with new friends as we hiked (tiny hike) to Sahalie Falls, enjoyed a great meal and conversati...
Hello ,Who here has had a good practice and great outcomes from regular meditation but have dropped off their practice for no apparent reason.Did your focus fizzle? Did life get in the way?You've had a practice that was meaningful, useful and somewh...
Dear ,It is with great excitement that I extend an invitation for you to join me online at the Soulful Speaker Summit.(sorry guys this is a women and non-binary friendly event)It started today and I have already shared my talk. It was the most gutsy...
Dear ,I trust that regardless of what else is going on, you are stillbreathing in and breathing out.Speaking of breathing in and out, my 8 week meditation program starts next week. If you have been thinking on it and wondering if it would have somep...
Give me an inbreath!Give me an outbreath!Dear ,I used to have a card on my fridge that said - Life is hard. It's all the time breathe, breathe, breathe. ( I was quitting smoking at the time so it seemed pretty appropriate)Everybody talks about medi...
I see you and I raise you! This is a tool for support and upliftment that I've used for years now to help shift myself and others out of the dumps, out of feeling stuck or being hard on ourselves.That's all just temporary (clouds passing through the...
Dear Magical Soul, The more folks I talk to the more I hear about loneliness, a sense of separation, not having someone to tell the hard and the wonderful things to.In this instance, I'm specifically talking about in relation to our path, our growth,...
Hi ,Happy Monday to you. Why begrudge any day of the week? I'm excited to see what this week brings. And what I bring to this week. What about you?I wanted to share how changing one word created a radical shift within me.(link below to a video jus...